by owuser | Feb 21, 2017 | Acupuncture
Sugar addiction is something that usually gets laughed off with a wink and smile. And yet, as Gary Taubes says in his latest book, The Case Against Sugar, if the increasing rates of diabetes were related to a pathogen instead of a lifestyle, we would be in the midst...
by owuser | Feb 6, 2017 | Acupuncture
Growing up we used to laugh about great-grandma’s can of schmaltz that lived in the corner of the kitchen. It’s taken the turn of more than a few decades to recognize the value of her peasant wisdom. And might have something to do with her making it into her 90’s. In...
by owuser | Jan 11, 2017 | Acupuncture
Some of us know from an early age we are cut out for medicine. Others never saw it coming; life in its wily wisdom throws us a curve ball, or in this case a bicycle accident. Our guest in this episode sought out acupuncture for a debilitating injury and ended up in a...
by owuser | Dec 9, 2016 | Acupuncture
We know that beauty is more than skin deep, but the truth is that skin is more than just skin deep. While it is easy to think that skin conditions are simply a problem of the exterior portion of our body, in reality dermotological problems are frequently the result of...
by owuser | Nov 8, 2016 | Acupuncture
Acupuncture is well known in the Western world for its effectiveness in treating pain. In this episode we take a multilayered look at orthopedic acupuncture. While acupuncture is often considered to be an “energetic” medicine, our guest today takes us deep into the...