Acupuncture Insurance Billing ICD-10 Codes Start

Acupuncture insurance billing with ICD-10 diagnosis codes starts in October. The deadline is here. All insurance billing starting on that date must use the new ICD-10 system of diagnosis billing codes. At the Healthcare Medicine Institute, we have provided free...

Acupuncture Relieves Depression, Benefits Biochemistry

Acupuncture boosts antidepressant medication effectiveness and balances biochemistry. Researchers from Tianjin University of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) found that adding acupuncture to a fluoxetine drug therapy regimen of care increases the total effective...

Acupuncture Doubles Fertility Rate

Acupuncture doubles the fertility rate of women with infertility due to hyperprolactinemia. The condition involves excess production of the hormone prolactin. Indications include infertility, breast milk secretion, amenorrhea, and low sex drive. The researchers...

Acupuncture Tops Drug For Back Pain Relief

Acupuncture with herbs outperforms ibuprofen for the relief of acute lower back pain due to lumbar sprain. Researchers from the Nanyang Institute of Technology conducted a randomized controlled trial to investigate the efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). A...

Jacksonville Acupuncture Clinics