Acupuncture Outperforms Drugs For Gastritis Treatment

​​Acupuncture is more effective than proton pump inhibitors and antibiotics for the treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis (stomach mucosa inflammation causing gastric cell loss and pathological growth of fibrous tissues), according to Dezhou Third People’s...

Acupuncture And Herbs Appendicitis Relief Discovery

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine improve patient outcomes for patients with acute or chronic appendicitis. Jining City Municipal Hospital (Shandong) researchers tested two protocols. One group received usual care, and another received usual care plus the...

Acupuncture And Herbs Increase Pregnancy Rates

Acupuncture improves fallopian tube patency and increases pregnancy rates. A combination of warm needle acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine improves tubal patency and increases pregnancy rates in women with fallopian tube obstruction. These are the findings of a...

Acupuncture Cancer Pain Relief Confirmed

Acupuncture alleviates cancer pain and reduces opioid use. Researchers conducted a meta-analysis of 14 randomized controlled trials and conclude that acupuncture reduces pain levels for patients with cancer. [1] In addition, the research indicates that opioid use may...

Acupuncture Angina Relief Confirmed

Acupuncture reduces the frequency and severity of angina attacks. [i] A multi-center investigation finds acupuncture treatment on disease-affected acupuncture channels is more effective than treatment on non-affected channels or sham acupuncture. The results were...

Acupuncture Alleviates Depression Quantified

Acupuncture combined with herbal medicine is effective for the alleviation of depression. Researchers from Shaoxing Seventh People’s Hospital conclude that a modified version of the herbal formula Chai Hu Shu Gan San plus acupuncture is effective for the treatment of...

Jacksonville Acupuncture Clinics