Researchers demonstrate that acupuncture is an effective treatment for migraines. The results of their investigation were published in JAMA Internal Medicine (Journal of the American Medical Association). The investigation reveals that acupuncture reduces migraine attack frequency, duration, and intensity. True acupuncture was compared with sham acupuncture and only true acupuncture reduced migraine recurrence rates. Importantly, the effects of true acupuncture provided long-term clinical benefits to migraine sufferers, including lower pain intensity levels and a shorter duration of suffering per each attack.


GB8 (Shuaigu) 


The researchers find that, “True acupuncture exhibited persistent, superior, and clinically relevant benefits for migraine prophylaxis, reducing the migraine frequency, number of days with migraine, and pain intensity to a greater degree than SA [sham acupuncture] or WL [wait list].” They add that acupuncture produced an additional benefit. Patients receiving true acupuncture demonstrated significant improvements in the “emotional domain of quality of life.” The research team concludes, “Acupuncture should be considered as one option for migraine prophylaxis in light of our findings.” The title of the work in JAMA Internal Medicine was entitled The long-term effect of acupuncture for migraine prophylaxis: a randomized clinical trial

from Acupuncture and Herbs News and Research

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