Researchers find acupuncture effective for improving alertness and executive functions. In a controlled experiment, researchers tested human subjects by needling one acupuncture point. After completion of acupuncture, the researchers performed the Attention Network Task (ANT) to determine changes in the subjects. The ANT measures reactions to visual stimuli presented on a computer monitor. Subjects use a computer mouse to provide feedback to visual cues. Subjects receiving acupuncture demonstrated significant improvements in their ANT scores. Based on the data, the researchers conclude that acupuncture improves alertness and executive functions.
In another investigation using MRIs of the brain, researchers determined that acupuncture regulates emotions and memory. The results indicate that the regulatory effect of acupuncture on advanced cognitive activities such as emotional and memory disorders is likely due to its two-way regulatory effect on various cerebral zones, by increasing or attenuating their functional connectivity. Let’s start with a look at the Attention Network Task (ANT) research and then take a look at the MRI investigation.
from Acupuncture and Herbs News and Research